
By name

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Multithreaded Ray Tracer


Multithreaded Ray Tracer
  • C++
  • CUDA

A multithreaded ray tracer in C++ with advanced material modeling, and efficient data-structures.

Tiny Renderer


Tiny Renderer
  • C++
  • Modern C++
  • Computer Graphics
  • GLTF
  • PBR

Built a software rasterizer from scratch in C++20 with physically based rendering support. Implemented core graphics features including perspective projection, view transformations, and material systems. Features include GLTF model loading, normal mapping, custom geometry primitives, and a full PBR shading pipeline with metallic-roughness workflow.



  • C++
  • SDL2
  • OpenGL

Implemented a Zelda-like video game using C++, SDL2, and other graphics libraries including an exciting boss fight! Hoping to add multiplayer.

Gameboy Emulator


Gameboy Emulator
  • C++
  • SDL2
  • Hardware Emulation
  • Assembly

Built a cycle-accurate Game Boy emulator featuring complete CPU, PPU, and APU emulation. Implemented authentic hardware behavior including multiple cartridge types, accurate timing, and save state functionality with debug visualization tools.

RISC-V 5-Stage Pipeline


RISC-V 5-Stage Pipeline
  • C++
  • SDL2
  • OpenGL

Built a RISC-V CPU simulator with both single-stage and pipelined execution modes in C++. Implemented full instruction set support, hazard detection/forwarding, and detailed pipeline visualization with performance metrics tracking CPI and execution statistics.

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